The Toronto Latvian Concert Association



The Toronto Latvian Concert Association is a registered not-for-profit charitable organization.  It is our mission to support Latvian artists through self-presented concerts, producing special projects and collaborating with other cultural organizations.

As we enter our 62nd season, we wish to thank our many supporters who have contributed to our organization over the years – as highly valued volunteers, patrons, donors and sponsors.  We would not be celebrating this milestone without your support!

We continue to produce and present interesting, world-class programming for our Latvian and Canadian audiences and as such, continue to welcome your support for specific projects or for our organization in general.

If you would like to make a contribution to the Toronto Latvian Concert Association, please feel free to do so online through the Canada Helps form below or by sending a cheque made out to “Toronto Latvian Concert Association” to the following address:

A. Jansons
1613-221 Balliol St
Toronto, ON  M4S1C8

Reg. Char. #11926 6872 RR0001